10: Health & Illness

General Health: Every possible effort is made to provide a wholesome, healthy atmosphere for the students of Legacy Christian School. There is a real correlation between a student’s health and his/her enjoyment and ability to learn at full potential.

    1. Parents are requested to comply with the following standards:
      1. Seeing that their child gets adequate rest and sleep.
      2. Ensuring that their child eats balanced meals, especially an adequate breakfast. Children cannot participate to their potential if they are hungry.
      3. Not allowing a sick child to come to school, i.e. a high fever, vomiting, or diarrhea are conditions which preclude a student from attending school. Cause of rashes should be verified by a physician before allowing school attendance. Conditions of head lice, pinkeye, etc. should be reported to the school and the student not allowed back in class until the situation is remedied. After any illness, the student’s temperature should be normal for 24 hours before the student returns to school.
      4. Parents need to inform administration immediately if their child has or there is a possibility that the child may have been exposed to a communicable disease. Administration will then be able to verify incubation dates and protect the health needs of all the children. Your cooperation is your child’s best protection.
    2. LCS staff will adhere to the following guidelines:
      1. Children will not be allowed to remain in class with the following:
        1. High fever
        2. Diarrhea
        3. Vomiting
        4. Symptoms of possible childhood communicable disease (sniffles, reddened eyes, sore throat, headache and abdominal pain, when accompanied by fever)
        5. Pinkeye
        6. Head Lice
      2. Administration or teacher has the authority to refuse to accept any child if a child shows signs of illness. In case of rejection, administration’s judgment is final.
      3. If a child becomes ill while at school, the parent will be called and asked to pick up the child immediately. The child will be made as comfortable as possible while waiting for a parent.

Acute Illness or Serious Injury: In case of acute illness or serious injury, all attempts will be made to notify the parents or other person(s) specified on the medical release form. If these are not available, the doctor specified on the medical release form will be consulted when possible. Otherwise, an emergency clinic or hospital will be consulted. School personnel may transport a student to a medical facility, or if ambulance transportation is necessary, Bryan County EMS will be used. Continued attempts will be made to notify the parents at the emergency phone numbers listed in their student’s application.

No student is to leave school because of illness or injury without obtaining permission from administration and/or their parent signing the sign-out sheet posted in the school office.

Chronic Medical Problems: Legacy Christian School will accommodate students with chronic medical problems if such accommodations are within the ability of the school to give appropriate care for the student. Children with conditions such as asthma, food allergies or suffering illnesses of a more severe or non-contagious type may remain at the school if the administration determines that the child can be safely and properly cared for and does not place the health of others at risk.

Injury and Insurance: All students attending Legacy Christian School will be covered by a basic accident plan.

Immunization Requirements: Oklahoma state law is very specific, “No child shall be admitted to any public or private school unless he/she has an authorized certification and that he/she has received or is in the process of receiving immunizations against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles rubella, polio myelitis and small pox.” Oklahoma law requires that students attending public and private schools must have a validated record of their immunization file in the school office. This record must be signed by a physician or a Public Health Department official. A copy of immunization records from a previous school will be accepted as a validated record.

Immunizations Required by Oklahoma law are:

Immunizations Required by Age 6

DPT – 4 Doses
Polio – 2 Doses
MMR – 2 Doses
Hep B – 3 Doses
Hep A – 2 Doses
Varicella – 1 Dose

Beginning in the fall of 2011 school semester, all seventh grade students must receive one dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine.

    1. Immunizations not completed by the recommended age must be brought up to date.
    2. If 4th DPT & 3rd polio were given on or after 4th birthday, then the 5th Dpt & 4th polio are not required. Questions need to be referred to your health care professional.
    3. A written parental history of a child having Varicella disease (chicken pox) is acceptable in lieu of Varicella vaccine.
    4. Hib vaccine is not required for students in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten through grade twelve, but is required for children in day care.
    5. If you choose not to immunize your child for any reason such as medical, religious, or personal, a document so stating must be in your child’s school file. You may obtain a form from the school office.

Immunization records must be on file with LCS before the student begins classes. Students transferring from out of state will be allowed a thirty day grace period for transfer of records. Children may be allowed to attend school if they have received the first dose in the series of any multi-dose vaccine, but must complete the series on schedule. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that all medical records are up to date. If records are found to be delinquent in any way, this is sufficient cause for immediate suspension from school, pending the completion of said records.

Medical Release & Medication Policy: A medical release form must be on file in the school office before the student begins classes. This gives authorization for school personnel to obtain medical help for the student in case of an emergency in which the parent or guardian cannot be reached. Medications may be administered if the following criteria are met:

    1. “Medicine Dispensation Authorization” form must accompany all prescription and non-prescription medications listing instructions and authorization. Each form is good for one week or until instructions are changed. Medications must be administered according to label directions by age or weight. Any exceptions must be written and signed by a physician. For liquid medications, a dosage spoon must be provided by the parents.
    2. All medicine must be in the original container and properly labeled with the student’s name.
    3. Students are not allowed to have prescription or non-prescription medications on their person unless pre-approved. Medicines must be left in the designated school office.

Special Needs: Children having special needs such as a physical handicap and/or learning disability will be accommodated at Legacy Christian School providing the school is capable of doing so.