04: Academics

 Legacy Christian School Academic Expectation: Legacy Christian School is not a permissive academic program. This means that the student will need to organize and regulate his/her time in order to achieve success. Students should earnestly give themselves to their studies as they will need to later in their life’s work. Good study habits begin with the proper attitude in the heart by receiving school work “as from God” and doing it “as unto the Lord.”

The student has the major responsibility to participate in school in a manner that demonstrates respect for others, respect for his/her studies and respect for the Lord and His desires to develop the student into a positive, happy person. Proper attitudes and conduct within the classroom, during athletic competitions, and at school activities are expected at Legacy Christian School.

Correspondence Classes: Correspondence courses will be allowed where there are subject deficiencies and lack of credit. Elective courses not offered at LCS may also be accepted for credit. All courses have to be pre-approved by the academic advisor.

Dual Credit/Concurrent Classes: Students must meet state requirements and qualify for college entrance before they will be allowed to take classes off campus.

Seniors must have a 20 ACT score to attend concurrent courses. They will be allowed to have dual credit (both high school and college credit) for the following core classes:

    • Government – Course can be taken at LCS or college. Only one semester required.
    • English – College Composition I and Composition II for English IV.
    • Math – College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc.

Credits will only be given semester for semester. College courses will not be considered weighted grades unless it is an honors class.

All college courses will be included on their high school transcript and the grades will be figured in their overall GPA considered in class ranking.

Juniors must take core classes on campus. If they meet state requirements and qualify for college entrance, they may take evening, summer or concurrent classes.

    • Concurrent classes will only be allowed with academic advisor’s approval and if the college scheduling matches LCS’s schedule.
    • Juniors must have a 23 ACT score and/or have a 3.5 GPA to attend a regional university.
    • After qualifying for admission, students must have a 19 ACT subject area score to enroll in a college course in corresponding subject area.

Grade Reports: Report cards are issued on a nine-week basis one week following the close of the grading period. Report cards will be held on students who have an outstanding balance through the finance office.

Grade Value: Teachers determine the goals of instruction for their courses and evaluate student achievement accordingly. The letter grade a teacher assigns a student represents that teacher’s estimate of how well the student has met course standards.

Legacy Christian School’s Number/Letter Scale:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = Below 60
P = Pass
I = Incomplete

Credit will be awarded on a semester basis. All incomplete grades must be made up within two weeks of the end of the grading period. Any exception must be approved by the academic administrator.

Graduation Requirements: Curriculum for the high school level is based on the Oklahoma State Board of Regents requirements to enter a university in the State of Oklahoma. A student must acquire 25 credits in high school in order to graduate.

Core Classes for High School Consist of the Following:
Units Required – Subject
4 – Bible (Exceptions for transfer students only) (Seniors take Philosophy)
4 – English
4 – Math
3 – Social Studies
3 – Science
1 – Service Learning
6 – Electives

Students will be required to take all classes in sequence (i.e., English I, II, III and IV).

Service Learning: 50 hours per year of enrichment approved service.

Graduation Ceremony Participation: In order to participate in any graduation ceremony at Legacy Christian School the students must complete the following:

    1. All grades will be reviewed by the Academic Administrator during the school year.If class credits are in danger of being lost, parents will be contacted and a plan of action will be made.
    2. Any recovery credits for classes failed during the 1st semester of their senior year must be completed by March 1st of their graduating year. This allows for lessons and final tests to be graded and returned for posting from the accredited institutions.
    3. All discipline records must be in good standing with the LCS Administration Team.


Graduation Requirements: Curriculum for the high school level is based on the Oklahoma State Board of Regents requirements to enter a university in the State of Oklahoma. A student must acquire 25 credits in high school in order to graduate.


    1. Philosophy:
      1. Anyone who hopes to achieve academic excellence must understand that homework is a vital part of academic growth. Legacy Christian School is committed to providing all of our students with the tools necessary for academic as well as spiritual success.
      2. The amount of homework that is necessary depends upon the particular courses being studied and the student him/herself. Homework is an extremely important part of any skill-building subject. Math, science, foreign languages, spelling, and vocabulary all involve building basic skills that are essential for continued development. Slacking off in any skill-building process is very costly. On the other hand, the student who practices diligence in the lifelong process of problem solving and memorization reaps benefits that can scarcely be counted. Parents, who have questions regarding the homework level for their child/children, are encouraged to visit with the appropriate teacher or administration.
    2. Late Work:
      1. Daily assignments: Must be turned at the time specified by the teacher (this includes class assignments due at the end of the hour). A grade zero may be given if the work is not turned in on time.
      2. Extended daily & special assignments: Extended daily assignments are assignments given on one day and due two or more days from the assignment date (e.g., assigned on Monday and due Thursday). Special assignments include term papers, projects, etc. These assignments must be turned in at the time specified by the teacher. A grade of zero may be given if the assignment is not turned in at the specified time.
      3. Assignments during absences: (1) The student is responsible to get all make-up assignments upon returning to school. (2) Students will be given one day for each day’s absence to make up the assignment.
      4. Exceptions for late work based on extenuating circumstances may be made by administration.

Honor Roll: The Honor Roll is posted in the office area approximately two weeks after the grading period.

Requirements for Honor Roll are as follows:

    1. Administrator’s Honor Roll – must receive all A’s on report card for the school year (including weighted classes)
    2. Principal’s Honor Roll – must receive all A’s and B’s on report card for the school year (including weighted classes)

Progress Reports: Progress reports are released midway through each grading period. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled two times during the school year to discuss the student’s progress.


  • PSAT, ASVAB, ACT, and/or SAT- students will begin college preparatory testing at the Freshman and Sophomore levels. All Seniors are required to take the ACT.
  • Achievement Test – In the spring of each year, K through 11th Grade students are administered the ITBS.

Valedictorian & Salutatorian: The valedictorian and salutatorian are chosen on a grade point average based on seven and one half semesters in high school (9th, 10th, 11th grades and the first three nine weeks of the 12th grade); and five and one half semesters in middle school (6th, 7th grades and the first three nine weeks of the 8th grade). For graduation ceremonies, two honor students will be selected to deliver the valedictorian and salutatorian speeches. 

Grading Scale:

A = 90 – 100 (4.00)
B = 80 – 89 (3.00)
C = 70 – 79 (2.00)
D = 60 – 69 (1.00)
F = 00 – 59 (0.00)

Weighted Courses
Includes Calculus, Pre-Calculus and all
Advanced Placement (AP) classes

A = 90 – 100 (5.00)
B = 80 – 89 (4.00)
C = 70 – 79 (3.00)
D = 60 – 69 (2.00)
F = 00 – 59 (0.00)